
About Us

From Horrible Fishkeepers to Aquarium Innovators

Meet Matt, Kelsey, and Raegan, the founders of Unscripted Aquarium. 

We were once the worst fishkeepers you could find. We struggled to keep the water clear and odor-free, forgetting even basic tasks like feeding the fish. Cleaning the tank? With our sensitive gag reflex, that was a challenge too. The poor fish suffered, and we eventually gave up on fish tanks altogether.

 The Turning Point

Discovering Electricity as a Solution

In 2016, a family member introduced us to a unique idea: using electricity to keep aquarium water clean indefinitely. A complicated apparatus was involved, and guess what? We were asked to demo it because of our terrible track record with fishkeeping. To our amazement, it worked like magic. The water remained clear and odor-free without chemicals or additional products.

Building Unscripted Aquarium

A Fresh Approach to Aquarium Maintenance

After losing the initial company, we continued to keep aquariums and were amazed by the water quality. 2020 was a challenging year, filled with personal loss and hardship, but our fish tanks became a source of solace.

At the end of 2020, we decided to start our own aquarium company. We based it on our philosophy of using electricity as a means of filtration, learned through trials and tribulations. That’s how Unscripted Aquarium was born – not to challenge the traditional way, but to offer an alternative that has amazed us for years.

A Mission of Clarity and Care

Embracing a Different Way to Keep Aquariums

We want to share our experience and joy of clear aquariums with the world. Through numerous failures and countless struggles while developing all of our own prototypes. Our clarifier was finally launched in early 2022, marking the beginning of an incredible journey.

Despite working full time, building a company from scratch, and raising a family, we still enjoy our tanks, all thanks to our technology. We remain the same fishkeepers at heart, but now we have the means to truly care for our aquatic friends thanks to the time we save by not constantly having to clean the tanks. 

Join Us in a New Aquarium Experience

Intentionally Introducing Electricity to Your Tank Water

We invite you to join our journey and embrace our unique, different, and somewhat crazy way of keeping an aquarium. Unscripted Aquarium is here to prevent the suffering of aquatic life due to poor water quality and to keep more people in the hobby, making it accessible and enjoyable for all so as many people as possible can enjoy the true health benefits that home aquariums provide.

The Unscripted Aquarium Clarifier


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