Fish Tank Smell Like Sewage?

Never Smell Your Tank Again

What causes a fish tank to smell like sewage?

A fish tank smells like sewage because well, it is sewage. A fish tank is a glorified fish sewage tank. As fish go to the bathroom they do so inside the tank. Fish waste, uneaten food and even dead fish will break down into microscopic particles of organic matter. These tiny particles are too small to be caught within a standard tank filter and they also contain a small negative charge that prevents them from sticking together so then can get caught within a standard aquarium filter where they can be broken down naturally. Therefore, the particles just build up over time cause the fish tank to smell like poop and fish farts.

How to Never Have Your Fish Tank Smell like Poop Again

You have 3 options to prevent your tank from ever smelling like fish farts again. 

1. Manually remove as much waste as possible. Yes, get your hands dirty and your nose ready. Filter socks, Activated Carbon, Protein Skimmers(saltwater) and other products all work to remove waste from the tank, but these products need to be replaced, cleaned or maintained regularly and they themselves smell like poo. Removing the waste will prevent your from smelling like waste. 

2. Get rid of your fish tank. Yep, by just getting rid of the tank you won’t have to smell it anymore.  

3. Let nature take care of the waste for you. This is our favorite option and why we started Unscripted Aquarium. There is naturally occurring bacteria in every fish tank. Bacteria break down waste into minerals and gases as part of the nitrogen cycle. When bacteria break down the waste, they also eliminate all foul odors associated with the waste. By making waste particles to stick together so they can be caught within a tanks filtration it allows bacteria to break down the waste efficiently and naturally and the best part is you never have to touch, smell or interact with fish poop ever again. This is how the Unscripted Aquarium Clarifier works. 

The Unscripted Aquarium Clarifier

Never Smell Your Tank Again